Welcome! This free speech community journal was created so the Maple Heights African American community could share videos, photos, events, articles, posts, ideas, thoughts, and information. We're now exclusively on Facebook, so don't forget to also check out our Facebook page. Have a fantastic day!
IF YOU MISSED TODAY'S EVENT, WATCH ON YOUTUBE HERE (5 hrs long, ... event starts 30 to 32 minutes into the video, so fast forward 30 to 32 minutes into video)
This Week's New Podcast The Science of Sx (Part 2) August 25, 2013, 7:00pm ET/4:00pm PT
The Science of Sx comes to its inevitable climax this week. From the start, when Neil deGrasse Tyson and sx therapist Dr. Ruth discuss whether size matters in planets and penises, to the finish, when the pair discuss aliens and sx under the stars, you’re in for a satisfying experience. Where else would two astrophysicists, Neil and Charles Liu, discuss arousal in terms of pupil dilation and norepinephrine release, and ejaculation in terms of sperm volume and velocity, in the same episode that Kristen Schaal goes bananas over sx-crazed bonobos? Plus, Mary Roach describes how she and her husband “took one for the readers” by becoming the first couple to have sx recorded with 4-D ultrasound imaging, and tells us who has better sex and why according to Masters and Johnson. Listen on our website, this Sunday, August 25th at 7:00pm ET and oniTunes, SoundCloud and Stitcher by 7:30.
(Note: Portions of this podcast appeared previously in a StarTalk Radio video on The Nerdist.) Photo Credit: David Gamble.
Labor Day Weekend's Classic Podcast Cosmic Queries: Asteroids, Comets and Meteor Storms September 1, 2013, 7:00pm ET/4:00pm PT
Since we're taking a week off from the newsletter next week, we wanted to give you a heads up that on Labor Day, you can catch up on this popular episode from our archives. In it, Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Chuck Nice answer your questions about asteroids. “Why are some asteroids mineral rich and some just big rocks?” “Is the asteroid belt actually the debris from a failed planet?” “What’s the difference between comets, asteroids, meteoroids, meteors, meteorites, planets, dwarf planets and more?” “Are there interstellar asteroids?” “Does Earth have an asteroid season?” You’ll also learn about Abe Lincoln and the Leonid Meteor Storm of 1833, and the practicality of deflecting asteroids to use as weapons.Listen now.
Photo Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech.
Catch Up on Last Week's Podcast The Science of Sx (Part 1) August 18, 2013
Listen in as StarTalk Radio trades the cosmic for the orgasmic. Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Kristen Schaal, author of The Sexy Book of Sexy Sx, tread not so lightly into taboo territory with guests Mary Roach, author of Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sx, famed sx therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer, and astrophysicist Charles Liu. But it’s still StarTalk, so Neil and guests focus on the science, not the lasciviousness, of sx. You’ll learn that females can have nocturnal erections just like men, what the other erectile tissue in the human body is (it’s not the nipples!), and why pharmaceutical research has moved on to developing pills for post-menopausal women with flagging sx drives. Listen now.
(Note: Portions of this podcast appeared previously in a StarTalk Radio video on The Nerdist.)
Best of the Blog Attending the Reopening of the Enterprise Space Shuttle Pavilion at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum Posted August 20, 2013
After nearly a whole summer of working as an instructor for Camp GOALS for Girls I am still not used to walking across a plank to clock in. I’m also not used to walking passed aircraft such as the Piasecki or Skyhawk along my path to the education offices. Today I’m writing about one of my favorite days this summer, July 10th, which started out as a normal day (as normal as it gets working at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum Complex) and soon became an exceptional one as I was swept away to the reopening of the Space Shuttle Pavilion. Read more.
Photo Credit: Megan Bednarz. Have You Seen Our Latest "Behind the Scenes" Video? Neil deGrasse Tyson on Magnetic Pole Reversal and Extinction
Could the Earth's magnetic poles reverse in the near future, and what would that mean for humans biologically and technologically? Could humanity even face extinction? Neil deGrasse Tyson explains magnetic pole reversal to comic co-host Chuck Nice in this Cosmic Query. Watch now.
Add the StarTalk Radio widget to your website or blog and let your friends listen to the show right from your site. Get the widget now.
StarTalk Radio is now accepting corporate sponsors. If your company shares our mission and would like to support StarTalk Radio, please email: Laura Berland
"Wake up everybody. No more sleeping in bed. No more backward thinking. Time for thinking ahead."
That was the call we issued as we kicked off the 2013 National Urban League Conference.
But this call rang out beyond the 4000-plus registrants and attendees
who joined us in Philadelphia. This was a call to America.
In recent
months, we have seen increasing efforts aimed at turning back the hands
of progress in voting rights, civil rights, workers’ rights and criminal
justice – including the United States Supreme Court’s evisceration of
the Voting Rights Act and its stripping of critical protections granted
under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, as well as unequal justice
perpetuated by unfair laws such as Stand Your Ground.
As we prepare to
commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington, the
challenge before us now is to create a new Civil Rights Movement – one
that stands on the shoulders of progress in which a new generation of
people from all walks of life work together to ensure that the promise
of life, liberty and economic opportunity becomes real. If 1963 was
about Jobs and Freedom, 2013 must be expanded to Economic Empowerment
and Justice. We started it 50 years ago, and it’s time to finish our
Join us in
Washington, DC on August 23-24 as we honor the 1963 March by continuing
its work and ushering in the change necessary for ongoing progress. Our Drum Majors for Justice Celebration: Redeem the Dream Summit
will take place on Aug. 23, during which we will chart our course
forward, and the Civil Rights Continuation March will be held on August
24, where multitudes will gather in the same spirit of 50 years ago.
If the desire
for life, liberty, justice and equal opportunity is in your soul,
whether you live in a red or blue state or simply believe in the red,
white and blue of this nation – you, too, cannot ignore the call.
To Be Equal
hour is late. The gap is widening. The rumbles of the drums of
discontent resounding throughout this land are heard in all parts of the
world.” Whitney M. Young, Jr. at the 1963 March on Washington
National Urban League to Mark 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington
years ago, on August 28, 1963, more than 250,000 people gathered for
the historic March on Washington to demand jobs and freedom. The March
was organized by a coalition of civil rights, social justice and labor
movement leaders known as the “Big Six” – James Farmer of the Congress
of Racial Equality (CORE); Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. of the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC); John Lewis, of the Student
Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC); A. Philip Randolph of the
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters; Roy Wilkins of the NAACP; and our
own Whitney M. Young, Jr. as President of the National Urban League.
While that day is most remembered for Dr. King’s landmark “I Have a
Dream” speech, Whitney Young and a host of other speakers took the
podium to call for the passage of long overdue civil rights legislation
and to demand jobs, a living wage, decent housing and quality education
for all. As America prepares to mark the anniversary of this watershed
moment and in the same spirit of unity and collaboration that Whitney
Young brought to the 1963 March, the National Urban League will again
join with other leading civil rights organizations to mobilize citizens
across the nation to gather in Washington, DC to continue to press for
economic empowerment and justice.
This Week's New Podcast The Science of Sex (Part 1) August 18, 2013, 7:00pm ET/4:00pm PT
This week, StarTalk Radio trades the cosmic for the orgasmic. Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Kristen Shaal, author of The Sexy Book of Sexy Sex, tread not so lightly into taboo territory with guests Mary Roach, author of Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex, famed sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer, and astrophysicist Charles Liu. But it’s still StarTalk, so Neil and guests focus on the science, not the lasciviousness, of sex. You’ll learn that females can have nocturnal erections just like men, what the other erectile tissue in the human body is (it’s not the nipples!), and why pharmaceutical research has moved beyond Viagra™ to developing pills for post-menopausal women with flagging sex drives. Listen on our website, this Sunday, August 18th at 7:00pm ET and on iTunes, SoundCloud and Stitcher by 7:30.
(Note: Portions of this podcast appeared previously in a StarTalk Radio video on The Nerdist.)
Catch Up on Last Week's Podcast Cosmic Queries: Viruses, Outbreaks and Pandemics August 11, 2013
Infectious disease expert Laurie Garrett is back to answer your questions about viruses. First, she describes two current outbreaks: H7N9 influenza, which killed 25% of its victims in China, and MERS-CoV, a genetic relative of SARS. With pilgrimages like the Haj in October, Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus is a serious pandemic concern to the worldwide health community. Next, Laurie explains how viruses like Ebola and HIV jump from bats and primates to humans through “zoonosis” and why they’re so lethal when they do. All this, plus a fungus that turns ants into zombies, pathogens that spread via rain, the dangers of the anti-vaccine movement and, unfortunately, so much more.Listen now.
Photo Credit: MGVP/UC Davis. Best of the Blog New Survey: What’s Your Favorite Classic Television Sci-Fi Series? Posted August 12, 2013
Recently, Neil told us that The Twilight Zone and Star Trek The Original Series are his favorite science fiction TV series. Naturally, we started discussing what our favorites were, and that got us wondering, what are your favorite classic science fiction television series? So we put together this nifty survey to find out. We decided to let you pick your 3 favorite series, because narrowing it down to one or two was just too excruciatingly difficult. If you do take our survey, and you'd like to have us email you a digitally autographed photo of Neil deGrasse Tyson, be sure to fill in your first name and email address at the bottom of the survey form. Read more.
Have You Seen Our Latest "Behind the Scenes" Video?
Neil deGrasse Tyson on Alien Diseases
A fan asks, “If we were to make contact with alien life, would it be possible for us to contract diseases from them, and could our immune systems adapt to them?” Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson and infectious disease expert Laurie Garrett approach the answer differently, bringing up references as varied as Michael Crichton’s book, The Andromeda Strain, Dutch elm disease, Star Trek’s Tribbles, NASA’s quarantine of the Apollo moonwalkers, and the impact of Western European settlement on the indigenous life forms and Aboriginal peoples of Australia. Luckily, Chuck Nice is on hand to mediate and summarize. Watch now.
If you represent an academic or scientific organization that would like to join our Cosmic Community, just click on the following link to complete and submit a short application form and we'll be in touch. Cosmic Community Sign-Up
Become a StarTalk Satellite!
Add the StarTalk Radio widget to your website or blog and let your friends listen to the show right from your site. Get the widget now.
StarTalk Radio is now accepting corporate sponsors.If your company shares our mission and would like to support StarTalk Radio, please email: Laura Berland
For 20 years Empowering and Strengthening Ohio’s People (“ESOP”) has worked tirelessly to empower people to improve their lives and communities. ESOP’s work over the last two decades to end predatory lending and abusive mortgage servicing and to prevent foreclosures has helped thousands of families across Ohio to stay in their homes and to stabilize neighborhoods.
We invite you to join us Wednesday, October 16th for our 20th Anniversary Luncheon. The theme is “Building Partnerships for Economic Empowerment.” We hope you can join us for this important conversation about how the non-profit, public and private sectors can join forces to help disenfranchised communities move forward from the foreclosure crisis.
Keynote Speaker Senator Sherrod Brown
Sponsorship opportunities are still available. For more information on sponsorships, table and advertising purchases please contact Deonna Kirkpatrick
This Week's New Podcast Cosmic Queries: Viruses, Outbreaks and Pandemics August 11, 2013, 7:00pm ET/4:00pm PT
disease expert Laurie Garrett is back to answer your questions about
viruses. First, she describes two current outbreaks: H7N9 influenza,
which killed 25% of its victims in China, and MERS-CoV, a genetic
relative of SARS. With pilgrimages like the Haj in October, Middle
Eastern Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus is a serious pandemic concern
to the worldwide health community. Next, Laurie explains how viruses
like Ebola and HIV jump from bats and primates to humans through
“zoonosis” and why they’re so lethal when they do. All this, plus a
fungus that turns ants into zombies, pathogens that spread via rain, the
dangers of the anti-vaccine movement and, unfortunately, so much more.
The show will be on our website and iTunes this Sunday, August 11th at 7:00pm ET, and on SoundCloud and Stitcher by 7:15pm ET.
Photo Credit: MGVP/UC Davis.
Catch Up on Last Week's Podcast Cosmic Queries: Dark Matter and Dark Energy August 4, 2013
dark matter is the longest unsolved problem in astrophysics, how can
Neil deGrasse Tyson answer your Cosmic Queries? Well, it turns out we do
know something about the stuff that makes up 96% of our universe. For
instance, how it affects the rotation of galaxies, and what would happen
if it disappeared. And whether dark matter is increasing as the
universe expands. You’ll find out if there are connections between black
holes and dark matter and what Hawking Radiation is. Did the recent
experiments on the ISS explain why dark matter doesn’t interact with
ordinary matter? Plus, Neil tells comic co-host Leighann Lord why he
thinks dark energy should be named Fred. One of our most popular shows
this season...if you haven't heard it – Listen now.
Photo Credit: Dark Matter Visualization courtesy of SDSC and NPACI Visualization Services. Best of the Blog The Perseids Are Back this Weekend! Posted August 7, 2013
Here’s a recipe for a bit of tasty cosmic cuisine this weekend: 1. Take a dash of stellar dust and debris from comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle. 2. Sprinkle into Earth’s atmosphere. 3. Lie back and watch the show. And
if the weather cooperates and you’ve got clear skies – it’s looking
good for the NY metro area, so I’m hopeful – then you’re in for one of
the best meteor showers we get to see each year, The Perseids. At peak,
there can be as many as 100 meteors burning across the sky per hour. But
even if you just catch a few, they’re worth the effort. And, according
to NASA, the Perseids have the most “fireballs” of any meteor shower.
For more information and some great images - Read more.
Have You Seen Our Latest "Behind the Scenes" Video?
Nanobot Viruses and Biotechnology on StarTalk Radio
a sneak peak of this week's new podcast in this "Behind the Scenes"
video taken from the episode. In it, Laurie Garrett answers a fan's
cosmic query about whether we can create “nanobot” viruses that we could
use to fight disease, and if we do, how we can control them. She also
tells Neil deGrasse Tyson and Chuck Nice how we’re developing human
engineered microorganisms in the lab, including a competition where high
school students invent new life forms. Watch now.
you represent an academic or scientific organization that would like to
join our Cosmic Community, just click on the following link to complete
and submit a short application form and we'll be in touch. Cosmic Community Sign-Up
Become a StarTalk Satellite!
Add the StarTalk Radio widget to your website or blog and let your friends listen to the show right from your site. Get the widget now.
StarTalk Radio is now accepting corporate sponsors.If your company shares our mission and would like to support StarTalk Radio, please email: Laura Berland